Apr 25, 2014
Here's another video of the SCK-3900-512x32H-01, this time being driven from a controller that's more along the lines of what others have been testing here, the 8-bit AVR Atmega32u4. It's configured to receive information from a wireless joystick which is what I'm testing here:


This is using the parallel interface with all font and graphic data being generated on the fly from the onboard flash on the Atmega32u4. The frame rates aren't spectacular but keep in mind this is a $4 8-bit MPU, an $8 ARM Cortex M3 gives nearly 10x performance when using it's external memory interface. If the built-in Noritake commands aren't sufficient for your purpose the parallel DMA interface bypasses them altogether allowing any sort of graphic routines to be realized.

Apr 25, 2014
Did you have problem getting started with the module?
  • No issues here, I have an existing commercial library for the GU256X128E-3900 series which only need minor modifications.
How did you connect the display with your device?
  • Via the parallel interface using the DMA interface.
What did you use the display for?
  • Evaluation purposes for customers using similar technology.
Which processor/MCU/OS did you use?Ti-28335 , SHARC and Blackin DSP's, NXP Cortex M3 What type of commands would you like to see?
  • I always use the direct memory image modes so no extra commands required. The display is quite responsive , in this demo I had to add a long artificial delay between frames and its still too fast [smile] [video]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jynGGZcqr5I[/video]