GU-7000 Series

k  Feb 25, 2014
Noritake GU-7000 VFD Module

-7000 Parallel 8bit and RS232
-7003 :Clocked and UART Serial

k  Mar 21, 2014
Series and features

GU-7000 Parallel 8bit and RS232
GU-7003 :Clocked and UART Serial

-7xxxB : SPI
            I2C Models by request

-7900B : Flash memory on board
             Expanded font for CJK(Chinese,Japanese,Korean)
             Auto program function
Command Set
  • Font :Magnify x2, x3,x4 /Proportional font
  • Up to 4 Window area definable
  • International font and code + Customers font tables
  • Scroll text/Screen
  • Bitmap Direct and stored(79xxB)
  • Screen control :Brightness 8-level,Clear,Blink..
  • Power save: Stand-by mode
  • And more useful commands :see spec

Tristan  Mar 26, 2014
I have a SCK-7003-112X16G-N16 display.

I am using it with Arduino.

The sample code works great for synchronous communication (J2 shorted).  However, when I desolder the jumper and connect the wiring for asynchronous mode, nothing displays...

Does anyone have some experience with this?  I've uncommented the correct line of code...the one with baud rate specified.

GU7000_Serial_Async interface(38400,3, 5, 7); // BAUD RATE,SIN,BUSY,RESET

Edit: Does the SCK in front of the part number indicate that it can only be used with a synchronous clock interface?

koyanagi.ele  Mar 27, 2014
Try the attached sketch. Worked on Arduino 1.0.5.

Tristan  Mar 27, 2014
Yes, that is the same code I was referring to.

Are you using the SCK-7003-112X16G-N16?

k  Mar 27, 2014

Just for reference;
7003-uart.JPG  The display module of SCK-7003-112X16G-N16 is 7003.


Synchronous Serial interface


(CMOS level)
Asynchronous Serial Interface

[QUOTE=Tristan]Yes, that is the same code I was referring to.

Are you using the SCK-7003-112X16G-N16?[/QUOTE]

koyanagi.ele  Mar 28, 2014
[QUOTE=Tristan]Yes, that is the same code I was referring to.

Are you using the SCK-7003-112X16G-N16?[/QUOTE]

there was mistake in the example code, try the code below:

[CODE]void setup() {
  _delay_ms(500);           // wait for device to power up
  vfd.begin(112, 16);       // 140x16 module
  // Enter the 4-digit model class number
  // E.g. 7040 for GU140X16G-7040A
  vfd.interface(interface); // select which interface to use
  //vfd.isGeneration('B');    // Uncomment this for B generation
  vfd.GU7000_reset();       // reset module
  vfd.GU7000_init();        // initialize module
  // Print Noritake on screen.

The line
[CODE] vfd.interface(interface); // select which interface to use[/CODE]
needs to come before
  //vfd.isGeneration('B');    // Uncomment this for B generation[/CODE]

kylej1050  Apr 14, 2014
I've got a GU144x16D-7053B and have not been able to get this code to work. Below is the example code.


// ****************************************************
// ****************************************************
// Uncomment one of the communication interfaces below.
GU7000_Serial_Async interface(38400,3, 5, 7); // BAUD RATE,SIN,BUSY,RESET
//GU7000_Serial_Sync interface(3, 5, 6, 7); // SIN,BUSY,SCK,RESET
//GU7000_Serial_SPI interface(3, 5, 6, 7, 8); // SIN,BUSY,SCK,RESET,CS
//GU7000_Parallel interface('R', 8,9,10,11, 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7); // Module Pin#3=RESET; BUSY,RESET,WR,RD,D0-D7
//GU7000_Parallel interface('B', 8,9,10,11, 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7); // Module Pin#3=BUSY; BUSY,RESET,WR,RD,D0-D7
//GU7000_Parallel interface('N', 8,9,10,11, 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7); // Module Pin#3=nothing; BUSY,RESET,WR,RD,D0-D7

// ****************************************************
// ****************************************************
Noritake_VFD_GU7000 vfd;

void setup() {
  _delay_ms(500);           // wait for device to power up
  vfd.begin(144, 16);       // 140x16 module
  vfd.interface(interface); // select which interface to use
  // Enter the 4-digit model class number
  // E.g. 7040 for GU140X16G-7040A
  vfd.isGeneration('B');    // Uncomment this for B generation
  vfd.GU7000_reset();       // reset module
  vfd.GU7000_init();        // initialize module
  // Print Noritake on screen.

void loop() {

My wiring is 100% correct, just nothing on the screen. If I take the SIN wire off and connect it randomly I can get random text on the screen so I know the display works. I downloaded the code above and it did not work in Arduino IDE 1.0.5.


koyanagi.ele  Apr 16, 2014
[QUOTE=kylej1050]I've got a GU144x16D-7053B and have not been able to get this code to work. Below is the example code.

[CODE]#include #include #include #include #include #include // **************************************************** // **************************************************** // Uncomment one of the communication interfaces below. // GU7000_Serial_Async interface(38400,3, 5, 7); // BAUD RATE,SIN,BUSY,RESET //GU7000_Serial_Sync interface(3, 5, 6, 7); // SIN,BUSY,SCK,RESET //GU7000_Serial_SPI interface(3, 5, 6, 7, 8); // SIN,BUSY,SCK,RESET,CS //GU7000_Parallel interface('R', 8,9,10,11, 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7); // Module Pin#3=RESET; BUSY,RESET,WR,RD,D0-D7 //GU7000_Parallel interface('B', 8,9,10,11, 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7); // Module Pin#3=BUSY; BUSY,RESET,WR,RD,D0-D7 //GU7000_Parallel interface('N', 8,9,10,11, 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7); // Module Pin#3=nothing; BUSY,RESET,WR,RD,D0-D7 // // **************************************************** // **************************************************** Noritake_VFD_GU7000 vfd; void setup() { _delay_ms(500); // wait for device to power up vfd.begin(144, 16); // 140x16 module vfd.interface(interface); // select which interface to use // Enter the 4-digit model class number // E.g. 7040 for GU140X16G-7040A vfd.isModelClass(7053); vfd.isGeneration('B'); // Uncomment this for B generation vfd.GU7000_reset(); // reset module vfd.GU7000_init(); // initialize module // Print Noritake on screen. vfd.print("Noritake"); } void loop() { }[/CODE]

My wiring is 100% correct, just nothing on the screen. If I take the SIN wire off and connect it randomly I can get random text on the screen so I know the display works. I downloaded the code above and it did not work in Arduino IDE 1.0.5.


Can you replace your library with the attached?

kylej1050  Apr 16, 2014

Thank you!

kylej1050  Apr 17, 2014

Here is a video of it running... Thank you for all your help!

liquibyte  Jun 02, 2014 doesn't work for me. I'm wondering if there isn't a problem with changes to the arduino code. The code used to work and I had a hard time getting it to do so but once it worked, it worked. I recently lost a hard drive and had to re-install my os and the code no longer works. I've spent the better part of two days trying to get this vfd to output anything along the lines of text or graphics to no avail. None of the sample code works, none of my own code works. There seems to be a communication problem but I can't for the life of me figure out what it is. Edit: It turns out the the fault lies with arduino after all. The default shipped avr-gcc is out of date or incompatible. On archlinux at least the fix is easy enough: [CODE]
Install avr-gcc with pacman (not an AUR version) and do the following.

# cd /usr/share/arduino/hardware/tools/avr/bin
# mv ./avr-gcc ./avr-gcc-backup
# ln -s /usr/bin/avr-gcc ./[/CODE] [CODE]#include 

GU7000_Serial_Async interface(38400, 2, 3, 4); // BAUD,SIN,BUSY,RESET

const long scaleConst = 1184.665 * 1000;       // internalRef * 1023 * 1000;
long readVcc() {
  // Read 1.1V reference against AVcc
  // set the reference to Vcc and the measurement to the internal 1.1V reference
  ADMUX = _BV(REFS0) | _BV(MUX3) | _BV(MUX2) | _BV(MUX1);
  delay(2);                                    // Wait for Vref to settle
  ADCSRA |= _BV(ADSC);                         // Start conversion
  while (bit_is_set(ADCSRA,ADSC));             // measuring
  uint8_t low  = ADCL;                         // must read ADCL first - it then locks ADCH 
  uint8_t high = ADCH;                         // unlocks both
  long result = (high<<8) | low;
  result = scaleConst / result;                // Calculate Vcc (in mV); 1125300 = 1.1*1023*1000
  return (int)result;                          // Vcc in millivolts

Noritake_VFD_GU7000 vfd;
void setup() {
  vfd.begin(140, 32);                          // 140x32 module
  vfd.interface(interface);                    // select which interface to use
  vfd.isModelClass(7000);                      // select display model
  vfd.GU7000_reset();                          // reset module
  vfd.GU7000_init();                           // initialize module
  _delay_ms(300);                              // wait for device to power up

void printVoltage(){
  int mv = readVcc();
  vfd.GU7000_setFontSize(3, 2, true);
  vfd.GU7000_setFontStyle(false, true);
  vfd.GU7000_clearScreen();                    // little bit of flickering going on
  vfd.print( mv / 1000, DEC );                 // print the integer value of the voltage  
  vfd.print('.');                              // print the decimal place
  vfd.print( mv % 1000, DEC );                 // print the rest of the voltage in millivolts
  vfd.GU7000_lineFeed();                       // start new line
  vfd.GU7000_carriageReturn();                 // return to the left

void loop() {

nileshgujarathi  Jul 07, 2014
Hello All,

I have got a new GU140X32F - 7003 VFD, I connected a VCC and ground to its pin 2 and 1 (parallel interface). But i dont see anything, should I expect any illumination just by giving the power supply.
If yes the what might have gone wrong or if no then what should I do further ?

I am going to interface it with a 8 bit MCU with a parallel interface. How should I begin ?

Plz guide.

koyanagi.ele  Aug 14, 2014
GU140x32F-7003 only has serial interface, either UART or USART.